Multiple clicks

This page assumes you already know how the mapping attribute works.

Some controllers allow events like double, triple (even quadruple) clicks, but others only allow single clicks events coming from the controller. This feature, then, allows you to virtually manage multiple clicks, especially for those single click events.

When adding a new custom mapping for your controller, you can use a new token ($) to indicate how many times an events needs to occur, so the action gets fired. Let's see an example:

  module: controllerx
  class: E1810Controller
  controller: my_controller
    name: z2m
    listen_to: mqtt
  light: light.my_light
  multiple_click_delay: 500 # default
    brightness_up_click: "on"
    toggle: click_color_down
    toggle$1: click_color_up
    toggle$2: "off"

This could be a silly example, but it is enough to remark some points about this feature. In this configuration we see 2 actions: brightness_up_click (not "multi-clickable") and toggle ("multi-clickable"). We also see an attribute called multiple_click_delay, which indicates the delay (in milliseconds and 500 by default) when a multiple click action should be trigger. Let's go over the next scenarios:

  • brightness_up_click is clicked once: The on action will be triggered immidiately, with no delay.
  • toggle is clicked once: The click_color_up action will be triggered after 500ms. Also noticed that toggle and toggle$1 are basically the same, so if both are present, the one with the token ($) will be the prevalent. So click_color_down will never be called.
  • toggle is clicked twice (with less than 500ms between clicks): The off action will be triggered in 500ms after the second click.

This next example will show a real use of this feature with the E1810 controller from IKEA.

  module: controllerx
  class: E1810Controller
  controller: livingroom_controller
    name: z2m
    listen_to: mqtt
  light: light.livingroom_lamp
  smooth_power_on: true
      service: light.toggle
        entity_id: light.livingroom_fairylights
      service: light.toggle
        entity_id: light.bedroom

This will keep the default mapping for the E1810 controller by using merge_mapping and add a new action when clicking 2 and 3 times the middle button to toggle the fairylights and the bedroom lamp.

Note that ControllerX registers the multiple-click events in the initialization phase by checking the events with $, so it records whether it needs to wait to trigger the multiple-click event or not. If the triggered event is not registered as mutliple-clickable, then it will be triggered immidiately. However, if the triggered event is mutliple-clickable then it will wait as much time as specified in multiple_click_delay to detect if another click is issued or not. If not second (n-th click) is registered, then the event is triggered. Therefore, all multi-clickable events will have a delay specified by multiple_click_delay.