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This integration (z2m) is meant to be used for zigbee2mqtt. It listens to the states from the HA sensor entities. These are the accepted attributes:


Parameters Description Default
name Integration name z2m
listen_to Indicates whether it listens for HA states (ha), MQTT topics (mqtt) or HA Event state (event). ha
action_key The key inside the topic payload that contains the fired action from the controller. action
action_group A list of allowed action groups for the controller configuration. -
topic_prefix MQTT base topic for Zigbee2MQTT MQTT messages. zigbee2mqtt

How to extract the controller attribute

HA States (listen_to: ha)


This option is deprecated since ControllerX v4.29.0.


This option requires enabling legacy_action_sensor in Zigbee2MQTT. This can be done in Zigbee2MQTT Settings > Home Assistant integration. Then enable Home Assistant legacy action sensors. Note that this option is deprecated from Zigbee2MQTT 2.0 and will be removed in the future.

To extract the controller ID for Zigbee2MQTT, you can find it in Configuration > Integrations > MQTT and then select the controller. The parameter you need is the entity id of the sensor that by default finishes in _action.

MQTT topics listen_to: mqtt


This option requires enabling the MQTT plugin.

To use the mqtt option, the MQTT topic is the friendly name of the controller in Zigbee2MQTT. This friendly name can be found in the Zigbee2MQTT configuration for the specific device.

For example, if the MQTT topic is zigbee2mqtt/livingroom_controller, the friendly name (and controller attribute) of the controller would be livingroom_controller.

Event state listen_to: event


This option requires enabling experimental_event_entities in Zigbee2MQTT. This can be done in Zigbee2MQTT Settings > Home Assistant integration. Then enable Home Assistant experimental event entities. Note that this option is experimental from Zigbee2MQTT 2.0.

To extract the controller ID for Zigbee2MQTT, you can find it in Configuration > Integrations > MQTT and then select the controller. The parameter you need is the entity id of the action event without the event. prefix. E.g. if the event is event.livingroom_controller_action, the controller attribute should be livingroom_controller_action.


Imagine we have the following configuration already created for a z2m controller listening to HA state:

  module: controllerx
  class: E1810Controller
  controller: sensor.livingroom_controller_action
    name: z2m
    listen_to: ha
  light: light.bedroom

Then, if we want to listen to the MQTT topic directly (skipping the HA state machine), we will need to change to:

  module: controllerx
  class: E1810Controller
  controller: livingroom_controller
    name: z2m
    listen_to: mqtt
    action_key: action # By default is `action` already
  light: light.bedroom